

How much alfalfa should you give your guinea pig?

Updated: 8/17/2019
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15y ago

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as much as needed i give mine alot because he likes to eat and play in it

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Q: How much alfalfa should you give your guinea pig?
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How much hay should you put in your guinea-pig cage?

Guinea pigs should always have hay in their cage. Feed them as much as they want. If you want to spice up their forage diet a bit, getting grass from outside (not near a roadway, sprayed with pesticides, or a dog's "bathroom" :). If your guinea pig is getting fat, I don't think it is because of the hay. Read up on what to do then, and if you want a second opinion ask your vet.

How much hay should a guinea pig eat daily?

They need an unlimited supply of timothy hay if they are 6 months or older if they are younger then 6 months, pregnant, or nursing, they need alfalfa hay. They should have hay available to them at all times and if they run out give them more.

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You can give your guinea pigs any fruit but not too much acidy fruits as it is bad for their teeth and stomachs.

Can you feed a guinea pig alfalfa cubes?

No,never give a guinea pig any type of nut.They are likely to choke on them and they have too much fat and protein in them.

Your rabbit is not moving after eating alfalfa hay?

Alfalfa is very different from normal hay, much richer and much higher in fats and proteins. Your bunny could be in GI stasis, or having a bad reaction to the high sugar/fat content in the alfalfa. You should give plenty of gentle tummy massages, lots of water... and get your rabbit to the vets ASAP

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well.. until it gets too fat to walk..

How many carrots can guinea pigs have per day?

Too much carrots can cause health problems such as bladder stones or kidney diseases in Guinea Pigs.You should not give carrots daily to your Guinea Pig.I suggest giving a carrot once in a week.But,you can give small pieces of carrot daily.But you should not give too much carrots to your Guinea Pig.They contains too much Vitamin A.

At what age can a guinea pig eat timothy hay?

Not giving guinea pigs unlimited Timothy Hay around the clock is a big mistake. Many people don't seem to know that guinea pigs NEED hay. Many people buy the hay they find at the pet store, the most commonly found packaged hay is Alfalfa hay. Many people buy Alfalfa hay because that is what the pet store people told them to buy. Alfalfa hay should only be given to pregnant mothers and growing babies. Alfalfa hay has too much calcium and other nutrients which can cause bladder stones in guinea pigs. Timothy hay helps their digestive system and is the best way to help keep their molars ground down and healthy.

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You shouldn't leave your guinea pig alone for 3 days. You will need someone to take care of them.

Can you give a guinea pig a lime?

No,it is too much acidic.So,they are bad for Guinea pig.

How much orange should be fed to a guinea pig?

I would only give him a little or else he might become sick

How much should be given to a guinea pig?

How much what?