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Q: How much blood the heart pumps when overweight?
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How much blood does the heart pump to the brain?

about 1,000 pumps

Can you be alive with no heart?

YES... your heart pumps blood to your body there are maschine that can do that ... but its wont be much of a life ...

How much blood does your heart pump a second?

its pumps about 100 beats a minute

How much blood pumps through the heart at a time?

I dont know... a few cups?

How does blood circulate in the chicken?

Chickens have circulatory systems that include a heart and blood vessels of various sizes, much like other animals. The heart pumps the blood, and it circulates through blood vessels.

How much does a heart pumps in a day?

1800 pumps

What is the primary function of the heart in animals?

The heart is a muscle that pumps blood and causes the blood to circulate throughout the body. It is the most hardworking muscle in the human body.

How much quarts of blood your heart pumps each day?

67924 1/4 quarts!! i know i was suprised to!

What does the heart do for the human body?

It pumps blood to and from your lungs to become oxygenated, and then pumps that oxygenated blood to your brain and the rest of your body for your cells to receive oxygen. Apparently it isn't pumping as much blood to your brain as it does most people, though.

An adult male's heart pumps about 2.8 million liters og blood a year if his heart beats 70 times a much blood does his heart pump with each beat?

0.076 no steps lmafo xD

How much blood does your heart pump every heartbeat?

The heart pumps almost half of the blood volume with each beat. This is referred to as the ejection fraction or EF, which is the percentage of blood pumped out of the left ventricle with every heartbeat.

How much blood does the human heart pump a day?

heart pumps around 74 gallons in one hour and about 1800 gallons in a 24 hour period.