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Q: How much bushel half runner beans weigh?
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How much does a half a bushel of peaches weigh?

48 pounds per bushel

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How much does a half bushel of lettuce weigh?

It varies greatly with the type of tomato, and their water content. A bushel is not a fixed weight, but a measurement of volume. However the Georgia Farm Bureau suggests that half a bushel of tomatoes would weigh about 26 pounds (12 kg).

How much does a bushel of green beans weigh?

The cost of green beans will vary depending on where you are purchasing them, as well as the quantity. Generally, you can expect to pay between $0.50 to $3.00 per pound. Here are some average prices for green beans: Fresh green beans: $0.99 to $1.99 per pound Frozen green beans: $0.50 to $1.50 per pound Canned green beans: $0.50 to $2.00 per canPrices may also vary depending on the season, special offers, and where you purchase them from. It's a good idea to compare prices from different stores to find the best deals.

How much is a half bushel and what would a half bushel of different kinds of veggies look like?

A half bushel is two pecks.

How many pounds in a half bushel?

. . . is that a bushel of feathers, a bushel of cotton, a bushel of wheat, or a bushel of lead pellets? (A bushel is a volume, not a weight.)

How much does a half bushel of peanuts weigh?

about 35 pounds

How much does a bushel of pickling cucumbers weigh?

For standard US commercial size, 40lb.

What are jamaican artifacts?

half bushel

How pounds to make a half bushel of oranges?

It takes about 20 pounds of oranges to make a half bushel.

How many quarts are in a half bushel of tomatoes?

six --OR-- If you are talking about a strictly volumetric conversion, there are 32 quarts in a bushel. This would be the case if you had one bushel of dried, shelled field corn, for example.

How many pounds to make a half bushel of tomatoes?

There is approximately 53lbs in a bushel. So half a bushel would be approximately 25-26lbs.