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i suppose it depends. i am 14, and i lost my virginity about two weeks ago. it didn't bleed too much, just a little bit in my pants and a little after while using the toilet. honestly it wasn't as bad as i thought and didn't hurt at all :)

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Q: How much can you bleed when you lose your virginity?
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What does it mean when you bleed twice in a month?

When a girl has there pried two times in one month

What does it mean if you bleed 11 days after your period?

If it is late its ok but if it was period then bleeding you might want get it checked out you might have a vaginal infection.

How many days at most do you bleed for implantation bleeding?

I know this really isn't answering your questions for a number but I think every woman is different. Some women don't bleed, some do, and some bleed a lot (though this is rare) If you want to really know what's going on, go to the doctors and get a hormone level test. This is the only way to know what's going on with your body. If the number doubles every two days then you're pregnant . If I drops a lot then it could be a miscarriage or after a period (they would tell you) Good luck. I know this stuff sucks

How much blood does a normal woman lose on her period?

Blood loss varies between individual women and from one period to the next. The amount of blood lost can be anywhere between spotting up to 80 cc. The average blood loss is estimated at 30 cc.

If a multiple-choice question has five answer choices and you submit one wrong answer before getting the question correct how much credit will you lose for that part of the question?

question with options, you will lose of the credit for that question. Just like the similar multiple-choice penalty on most standardized tests, this rule is necessary to prevent random guessing. With five choices, your chance of getting the question wrong is 80% when guessing, and every wrong answer costs you 1/4 of a point. In this case, leave it blank with no penalty. Guessing becomes a much better gamble if you can eliminate even one obviously incorrect response. If you can narrow the choices down to three possibilities by eliminating obvious wrong answers