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Q: How much cartilage do humans?
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Is a horses skeleton only made of cartilage?

No... they have bones just like humans do - except that the bones are much larger.

Do human have cartilage when they born or when they are mature?

Humans have a lot of cartilage when they are born. It is replaced as they grow older.

Why do humans have cartilage on their ears and nose?

Cartilage is more flexible then bone, so it's better for the ears and nose.

What are humans uses for bull sharks?

Their cartilage is used for cancer medicine.

If your cartilage breaks does it repair itself?

Cartilage can break in some instances. There are multiple types of cartilage in the body. The cartilage in the ear is an elastic cartilage, so it is much more flexible and less likely to break.

What Part having no blood circulation in humans?

All cartilage, and the outer layers of the skin.

Do you have the same amount of cartilage in your bodies all of your lifes?

Humans do not have the same amount of cartilage in their bodies for their entire lives. Rather, as people age, the amount of cartilage in their body decreases. This can cause older people to experience joint pain.

How much cartilage does a shark have?

the shark has about 85% of the body is cartilage because with out it they can not move as fast or as agile as they are with it

Why does bone heal more easily than cartilage?

Because bone is much harder than cartilage

What is A softer substance which is replaced by bone after it has grown enough?

Cartilage. Adults have cartilage in their joints, sternum, etc. Young babies have very little solid bone, but much cartilage.

Is a cartilage piercing different than the tragus piercing?

YES it is ...I have an industrial and it is on the cartilage and my cousin have the tragus and she started crying and her pain tolerance is better then mine the tragus huet much more because it is more cartilage in it then on a cartilage piercing