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The mix I use to pot my orchids in is about 50 percent activated charcoal.

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Q: How much charcoal to put in your houseplant soil?
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What happens when you grow a houseplant with dilute coffee?

Using dilute coffee as a fertilizer for houseplants can provide a slight nutrient boost due to its nitrogen content. However, it's important not to overdo it, as too much coffee can harm the plant by increasing soil acidity. Moderation is key when feeding plants with coffee.

I have a large houseplant next to a heat register is that going to hurt thebplant?

Yes, if you put a large houseplant next to a heat register, it will hurt the houseplant.

What can you put in a houseplant to kill it?

When you really want to kill a potted plant, you only have to give it lots of water every day till the soil gets muddy. When you practice this long enough the roots will start rotting and the plant dies.

How do you put lava rocks in a gas grill?

No just use charcoal its inexpensive and works much better.

How much heat does each kingsford charcoal briquette put out?

Each Kingsford charcoal briquette typically releases about 7,000 BTUs of heat when burned. This heat output can vary slightly depending on factors such as airflow and quality of the charcoal.

How much does a nitrogen based fertilizer increase the acidity level of the soil on a grass crop?

How much nitrogen per square metre have you put on the soil??

Is powdered coal safe to put on the body?

Charcoal would be much safer. Coal contains many chemicals besides carbon, some of which can be problematic.

How do you love a gril?

First you go buy some charcoal and lighter fluid then, you put charcoal in the grill and put lighter fluid on it then you light it then you can cook you YUMMY hamburgers:) That's how you love a gril:)))

How would you separate Charcoal from sand?

1. get your hand. 2. put it down in the sand. 3. grab the charcoal. 4. say woohoo.

How rubbing done by girls?

Pretty much the same way it's done by guys: you put the paper over the tombstone and then you lightly rub charcoal over it.

How do rodents effect soil?

Well... First of all , they can spread diseases to the plants ( if you're talking about a farm or vegetable garden ) therefore making the one who eats it SICK . But if you're talking about an average houseplant , I'm guessing it will harm the plant like I said and it will most likely EAT the plant since rodents have feed on almost anything.

What did naughty children traditionlly get in there stockings?

Charcoal. your parents usally put things in there