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Alot more than it would to fill your toilet

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Q: How much crap would it take to get to the moon?
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How much does the gravity take off of you when you are on the moon?

On the moon you would weigh about on sixth of what you do on Earth.

How much sugar would it take to cover the moon?

a trillion tons

How much does it take to get to the moon?

How much what?

How much would the person above weigh on the moon?

The moon is 1/4 the size of Earth, so the moon's gravity is much less than the earth's gravity, 83.3% (or 5/6) less to be exact. So take your weight and multiply it by .167 and that is how much you would weigh on the moon.

How much can your butt take?

Not much. Probably just a mega crap then a baby then a wooden log putt.

How Long Would It Be Before People Could Take Holidays To The Moon and Roughly How Much Would It Cost?

£200,000 from virgin galactic

How many dollar bills would it take to reach the moon?

it would take about $170,243,286,935 to reach the moon proven by M.I.T

Why do i always feel like i need to take a crap?

either you are having way to much fiber or its a joke.

How do you crap on SoulSilver?

Take your DS or DSi with Soulsilver in the slot, go to a Pokemon center, and take a crap on your DS.

Why do people take a crap instead of leave them?

Because humans are the evolution of apes who take their crap and throw it at people.

Why do astronauts take small steps on the moon?

The gravity on the moon is much less than that of Earth. Thus, even a small step requires much less effort than on Earth. If astronauts were to take large steps, it would waste energy needlessly and probably take more effort.

Why would one take water to the moon?

because the water on the moon is frozen