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Q: How much damage does a tsunami cause to the environment?
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How much damage did the Asian tsunami cause?

A lot

Who did more damage the tsunami or Godzilla?

The tsunami did much more damage, it also will leave a finachal hole to.

How much damage was there to property after the tsunami in japan?

a lot

How does tsunami effect human being?

Tsunamis cause much physical damage to housing etc in seaside communities and kill and injure humans and animals.

How much damage did Japan's tsunami cause?

a few houses were wiped out by the coast and all of the houses wrere wiped out by the wave

How much damage did the japan tsunami casuse?

nothing, there faking it yo!

How much money does it needs to fix a tsunami disaster?

it depends on how much damage was caused

What damage does fire cause?

The damage that a fire can cause will vary depending on how fast it spreads. This may include causalities, fatalities, destruction of property, pollution of the environment and so much more.

What was the damage costs of the Indian Ocean tsunami?

So much damage was done, that some people are still recovering:/

How much destruction can a tsunami make?

The destruction of a tsunami could make a building fall down or flood the building. the percentage is 100.9% of damage.

How bad was the damage from the tsunami that hit Hawaii?

7.0Really a tsunami did not hit Hawaii they just had abnormally high waves hit the shores. The highest reported was 6 feet. And I don't know if they had much of any damage.

Why did the tsunami do so much damage to japan?

Because it was a big tsunami Yes it was a big tsunami, but it was originally the earthquake that done the damage. Because of the 8.9/9.0 earthquake, the tsunami was created and destroyed Japan.