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Q: How much did barber surgeons make during the Elizabethan era?
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Did Elizabeth I make any significant changes?

Elizabeth I established an English Protestant church of which she was the head. This evolved into the Church of England. The Elizabethan age is remembered as a golden era of English culture Ð this is the time of William Shakespeare. Also during her reign, the English defeated the widely feared Spanish Armada.

How do you let riolu evolve?

make it happy during the day and make it around level 30

How to get lopunny?

You train your Buneary and make it very happy, but you must do it during day time. If you do it during night or morning it wont evolve. I did that once and ended up with a lv 100 buneary. So make sure you train it during day time.

Can Raikou run away during a battle in Pokemon FireRed?

yes. get a wobboufet to make it stay

What are some superstitions from the Elizabethan era?

* Elizabethans believed witches can fly and they can reach the impossible distances using a broomstick. (A broomstick was one of the commonly used household items by women.) * It was during the Elizabethan era the saying "God Bless You" following a sneeze originated. The Elizabethans used this saying to ward off the devil that could enter one's body when you open your mouth to sneeze. * The Elizabethans believed a black cat crossing your path would cause a mishap. (This could be because the color black was associated with evil and cat was considered as a witch's pet.) * They also believed that the "seventh son of a seventh son" possessed supernatural powers. * They also believed that the "seventh son of a seventh son" possessed supernatural powers. * Spilling pepper or salt was considered to bring bad luck. (Probably, because spices were expensive during the Elizabethan era.) * A superstition that was most influential to them was that witches exist and they can cast spells on anyone. The spells were understood as so grave, they can lead to death. They were also blamed for mostly everything unexplainable -- the plague, famine, diseases and low crop yields during harvest time. In 1563, to prove how much they believed in this, the Witchcraft Act was passed to persecute those witches said to invoke evils spirits to commit murder. There were also a number of superstitions revolving around witchcraft: a. Witches had the ability to fly using broomsticks. b. Witches used a huge black pot or cauldron to make and brew their magic potions. c. Witches had the ability to change into animal forms like cats, dogs, raven, etc.

Related questions

How much were barber surgeons paid?

There is a great deal of money, its when it was available, but it wasn't available very often so most people also had to make a living cutting hair and shaving people

Why do barbers make more than surgeons?

They don't. Barbers make as low as $35,000 and Surgeons can make up to $350,000.

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An oncology surgeon can easily make around $250,000 dollars a year. Specialty surgeons often make twice the amount of money that general surgeons make.

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The amount of money that retina surgeons make varies based on where they practice. On average they make between $110,000 to $202,000.

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Brain surgeons in Louisiana who are often identified as neurosurgeon's, make $187,200 annually. The top 10% of brain surgeons earn upwards to $1 million annually.

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Orthopedic surgeons, dermatologists, plastic surgeons Orthopedic surgeons, dermatologists, plastic surgeons Orthopedic surgeons, dermatologists, plastic surgeons Nope, Neurosurgeons spent more time in school, work the longest hours and make the most. Even in Midwestern State and cities where people don't make the kind of money they'd make in a major East cost city, neurosurgeons still can 600000 dollars and more.

What are differences between Elizabethan language and Modern English?

Elizabethan language, used during the time of Queen Elizabeth I's reign in the late 16th century, differ from Modern English in terms of vocabulary, grammar, and spelling. Elizabethan language may feature archaic words and expressions, different verb conjugations, and alternate spellings. This can make Elizabethan English challenging for modern readers to understand without translation or context.

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Why is a barber pole blue red and white?

The original poles were red and white, the symbol of a barber originating in the times when few people could read signs. The red symbolized blood, as barbers in the middle ages also served as surgeons and dentists. The blue was added in modern America to make the colors the Red, White and Blue of the US flag.