


Elizabeth I

Elizabeth I (1533 – 1603) was Queen regnant of England and Queen regnant of Ireland from 1558 until her death. The daughter of Henry V, she was the fifth and last monarch of the Tudor dynasty.

2,738 Questions

Is red hair part of blonde hair?

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Asked by Kingomar24

No, red hair and blonde hair are two distinct hair colors. Red hair is characterized by a range of shades from copper to auburn, while blonde hair is typically light yellow to golden in color.

Who is Elizabeth the first?

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Elizabeth I, also known as the "Virgin Queen," was the Queen of England and Ireland from 1558 until her death in 1603. She was known for her skilled diplomacy, her defeat of the Spanish Armada, and for establishing the Elizabethan Era known for its flourishing of English literature and exploration. Elizabeth I was the daughter of King Henry VIII and Anne Boleyn.

Can Queen Joanna the Mad of Spain claim to have produced more monarchs than any other mother in history 2 emperors and 4 queens whereas Catherine of Medici gave birth to 3 kings and only 2 queens?

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It is true that Queen Joanna the Mad of Spain had four daughters who became queens and two sons who became emperors. However, Catherine de' Medici of France had seven children who became monarchs, including three kings and three queens. Therefore, Catherine de' Medici holds the record for producing more monarchs than any other mother in history.

How Did Queen Elizabeth I Use Propaganda In her Image?

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Asked by Wiki User

Queen Elizabeth I used propaganda to portray herself as a powerful and wise ruler, emphasizing her divine right to rule and connection to the people. She used portraits, speeches, and literature to maintain her image as a strong and independent monarch, fostering a sense of national pride and unity. Elizabeth employed symbolism, such as the use of the Tudor rose, to emphasize her position as a symbol of stability and prosperity for England.

How did Queen Elizabeth affect performance of the plays in London?

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Queen Elizabeth I was a patron of the arts and a lover of theater. She supported and attended many performances in London, helping to elevate the status of actors and playwrights. Her patronage contributed to the growth and popularity of the theater scene in London during the Elizabethan era.

Does the queen have a brother?

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If you are talking about Queen Elizabeth II of the United Kingdom (our current queen QPD), then no, she has no brothers. If her father had had any legitimate male children, then that male child would have become king - even if he had been younger than Elizabeth.

I once heard a story that the young Princess Elizabeth prayed every night for a little brother.

Who is Elizabeth's closest friend?

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It is not specified whom Elizabeth considers her closest friend. Relationships and friendships are subjective and can vary from person to person.

How does Elizabeth feel about Bingley's sisters?

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Elizabeth is wary of Bingley's sisters, Caroline and Louisa, as she sees them as haughty and judgmental towards her and her family. She believes they look down on them due to their lower social status. Elizabeth is particularly wary of Caroline, whom she perceives to be manipulative and insincere in her interactions.

Where did the pussycat go to see the queen?

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The pussycat went to London to see the Queen at Buckingham Palace.

Is there a list of men knighted by Queen Elizabeth I?

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Yes, there is a list of men knighted by Queen Elizabeth I known as the Elizabethan Order of Knighthood. Some notable figures include Sir Francis Drake, Sir Walter Raleigh, and Sir Philip Sidney.

Did Queen Elizabeth I have a pet?

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no she di not

When elizabeth 1 becomes queen?

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Elizabeth succeeded to the throne on 17th November 1558

How old was Queen Elizabeth the 1 when she got the smallpox?

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She actually survived it! Not many people did back then.

Can you give a 2 year old panadol and cough medicine at the same time?

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Asked by Wiki User

Hi. I have an 8 month old daughter who was prescribed Amoxycillin and is on children's panadol as she is teething. apparently it is ok to mix the two as panadol is not an antibiotic. I would definitely recommend you give your GP a call if you have any concerns though. Hope your little one gets better soon!

Who ruled England in 1591?

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Queen Elizabeth I, the last Tudor monarch, ruled England from 17th November 1558 until her death on 24th March 1603. She was replaced by King James I, the first Stuart Monarch, who reigned until his death on 27th March 1625.

What did Queen Mary I look like?

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Asked by Wiki User

Well Mary was rumored to be born prematurely so rumors spread that she was weak and frail,then soon after she was born she was baptised at the church of saint Michael. Then six days after her birth her father "King James V" died,leaving her with the duty and privilege of being Queen Of Scotland.Mary was also the only legitimate child of James that survived him. Hope This Helped! :D

How old was queen elizabeths mom when she died?

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Asked by Wiki User

Well... She is obviously dead but about 150 years old. I think If not Change it please. Thank

When did Queen Elizabeth 2 came to nigeria?

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Asked by Wiki User

It was a colonial territory of the UK until 1960...

How did queen Elizabeth 1 get blood poisoning?

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Asked by Wiki User

It is believed, and different medical writers have different theories, that Her Majesty succumbed to some form of Leukemia, or Cancer of the Blood. In Elizabethan time, the circulation of the blood was not understood. She was unconscious for long periods before her death, so there are no verified (last Words) Existing art of Her late in her reign shows an unusually Pale complexion that could not alone have been (Cakey) make up. It was by no means a feminine fashion as her ladies-In Waiting did not have this skin tone, therefore logically it was a skin condition, oddly not one censored by the Royal Portrait artists. She had it a long time before her death in l603.

Who were the Tudor monarchs?

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Tudor monarchs each ruled absolutely, and individually made their marks on British history. The most famous Tudor was Henry VIII, father of Elizabeth I, and the King who had many of his six wives beheaded. He ended up breaking away from the Roman Catholic church, and ended up creating the Church of England.

What problems did Queen Elizabeth I have in the 1570s?

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Her father had many wives, some of whom he had killed. Politically there were issues between herself and her cousin Mary, Queen of Scots.