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Q: How much did the last liquor license sell for in warren county NJ?
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How much is a liquor license in Monmouth county New Jersey?

The last one that sold went for over 1 million dollars

What is the market value for a liquor license in Monterey County California?

Well the last 4 transactions I've seen was anywhere from 10-15k.

What is the average sale price of a liquor license in Indiana?

Jack Rinehart of WRTV6 in Indianapolis reported last fall that liquor licenses were being offered on Craigslist for $40-125,000. Whether the licenses can actually be transferred, though, is not certain. The owner of a liquor license has to be approved by the state.

What is the value of a liquor license in Cambridge Massachusetts?

the average price of the last 5 licences sold in Cambridge is $70,000

Can you get a liquor license in Oregon with a duii?

It depends on how many you have, the length of time since the last one and your other criminal history as well as credit-worthiness. You must be considered to be of "good moral character" to get a license.

How long does Hard last?

Distilled spirits (liquor) last indefinitely.

Where did the last name Warren originate?

The name warren is of teutonic origin

Who married mercy Otis warren?

She was Mercy Otis first. She married James Warren and made Warren her last name. Mercy Otis Warren.

What is the name of the last shot in a liquor bottles?

New Yorker

Can i travel with alcohol to kosrae?

Last time I traveled there I had to pay a 25% tax on the alcohol I brought, and had to buy a drinking license to drink at any restaurant (just a few bucks). There was liquor and beer for sale in some stores.

Does unopened liquor expire?

Unopened liquor will expire eventually. It will last much longer unopened than it will when it is opened and exposed to air.

Who was the last county formed in West Virginia?

The last county formed in West Virginia was Mingo County.