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Q: How much did the NASDAQ drop during the great recession?
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What are the worst stocks to buy during a recession?

The worst stocks that you can buy during a recession is the most expensive stocks on the market. The prices will continue to drop as you lose even more money so the safest option is to avoid buying stocks until the recession recovers a bit.

Did school enrollment drop during Great Depression?

yes school enrollment drop during great depression, because there was no food to eat and there were riots everywhere.

How does recession effect stock market?

The recession causes stock prices to drop as a whole except a few defensive stocks such as Wal-Mart.

Did the unemploment drop during world war 2?

Yes WW2 ended the Great Depression.

What are the market trends for real estate in San Jose?

Real estate prices have gone down since the recession. There has been a drop in number of homes sold also.

What are the causes of recession?

The causes of a recession happens because of the stock market. The price skyrockets because of them putting a price of where it is going to be not where it is. Like if a stock was at $1000 it was at $1150. So when there is a small drop the price goes below where it was and makes it look worse than it was. From there it is a like dominoes.Causes of a recession include failing banks or a decline in economic profits. Recessions could also be caused by a stock market malfunction.

When will my balls drop?

During puberty.

How far did the stock market drop during the great depression?

The Dow dropped from a top of 381.17 before the crash in 1929 to a low of 41.22 in 1932- a whopping 89% selloff!

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shut up or i will drop you

What is a great drop in impressiveness?

I have no idea but it starts with anti.

Did a desert ever get to 0 degrees?

Antarctica rarely gets above 0 degrees F. The Gobi and Taklamakan Deserts will sometimes drop well below zero during winter. The Great Basin and Colorado Plareau Deserts will sometimes drop that cold in winter.

How do you use plausible in a sentence?

"He considered the sudden passage of the cold front to be the most plausible explanation for the major drop-off in fishing luck." "It is plausible to assume the US will remain in a recession for the rest of this year."