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Q: How much dirt has to be on top of grave to cover casket in Kentucky?
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Was Selena barefoot in her casket?

no unless you go to her grave and dig all of the dirt out but dont

Will a casket cave in when grave is filled with dirt?

It depends on the quality of the casket. Most modern American casket won't. p { margin-bottom: 0.25cm; line-height: 120%; }a:link { } The former Belmont Casket Company of Columbus (OH), for example, placed advertisements showing one of their steel caskets with some 50 bags of cement on top in order to demonstrate the capacity of a Belmont casket to withstand the weight an pressure of earth in a grave without the need of an outer burial container to prevent the grave form caving in.

What is purpose of mounds on graves?

When the grave is dug all of the dirt removed from the hole will go back into the hole when the casket is placed in the grave. The casket will displace the soil removed from that spot so you will have a mound. So the mound really doesn't serve any purpose at all. The only way not to have a mound is to remove the excess soil from the grave site.

Is another name for a coffin basket?

Another name for it is a casket. It is a box where people are put after they die. The casket is then lowered into the ground, and covered in dirt. People usually then put a grave stone on top, with the person's name engraved in it.

What is done with the dirt after a grave is dug?

I think they save the dirt until the time of someone being buried. If not then they leave the grave open and chuck the dirt and get fresh at someones buriel.

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What is grass cover?

dirt. dirt. dirt......... and dirt

How much must I expect to pay for a funeral casket?

A dirt-cheap funeral casket may cost as low as $300, but are visually unappealing. A mid-range casket costs between $1000-$3000 dollars.

How many cubic feet of dirt is there in a grave?


Do you need a title for a dirt bike in Kentucky?


What is the homophone for put in the ground and cover with dirt?

The homophone for "put in the ground and cover with dirt" is "bury."

What is homophone put in the ground and cover with dirt?

A homophone for "put in the ground and cover with dirt" could be "buried."