

How much do cheap snake bites cost?

Updated: 8/18/2019
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14y ago

Best Answer

Cheap piercings are never good, good piercings are never cheap. You need to do some shopping around with your local studios to compare prices and what you get included with that price. But shop smart, if the price is "really cheap" you need to wonder what corners are being cut to give you the "good price". Keep in mind that once you have been pierced, the tissue will never be the same so it's literally a one shot deal, once it's pierced, " it's pierced " right or wrong you are stuck with the damage to the tissue which will never be the same. Here are some things to consider before getting the piercing done: Body Piercing Guidelines or "I want a piercing, now what"

  1. All Body Piercing studios are regulated and work under regional and local health and city licensing regulations.
  2. Age limits can vary from city to city and state/province to state/province, contact your local body piercing studios (under the yellow pages "Body Piercing" ) they will tell you what the age limits are for your area.
  3. Identification is aways needed (Birth certificate, Student card, Drivers license) Parental consent is consent from the legal parents (Mother or Father). Grand parents, Sister, Brother, Second Cousin twice removed doesn't cut it sorry. Unless they are your legal guardians assigned by the courts and have documented proof or this, it just won't work.
  4. Prices for piercings vary from shop to shop and city to city. Be sure you phone and ask them what the total price is including any *aftercare solutions they may try to sell you (* Professional body piercing studios won't try to sell you aftercare solution, they will recommend cleansers and soaps but that's it if you want it they will sell it but they will not force you to buy it.)
  5. Do your research, check these places out and find a studio that you are comfortable with, talk to the piercer and discuss you wishes. If at any time you feel like you are being ignored or rushed leave, find somewhere else. Good shops will be busy, but they will also want you to book your appointment, this way they have there full attention on you not everyone else who is asking questions (that's a good thing).

The reasons you should not attempt to pierce your self should be obvious, but for those who think it's a "DIY" project, here's some food for thought.

Infection and contraction of MRSA, HIV, Meningitis, Hepatitis and Tetanus are all very serious health issues, MRSA is an antibiotic resistant bacteria that can in most cases land the unlucky individual in the hospital (and has been responsible for serious deformities and deaths). These infections has been caused by using unsterilized equipment and materials. Sterilization is not achieved by pouring alcohol over needles and jewellery, or burning these items over a fire or exposed flame. Microorganisms live in the fine fissures and cracks in needles and jewellery and only the high temperature and pressure of a steam Autoclave can render these and many other bacteria harmless.

The above reasons alone should be enough to sway anyone from thinking they can do it themselves. Professional body piercers have years of hands on training and education to enable them to make any piercing "look simple", when in fact they are considering dozens of things when they lay out a piercing and actually do it. So consider your lack of knowledge, training and skills before you attempt to do any self piercing, once you pierce it, it's damaged tissue. This makes it even more difficult for a professional piercer to leave you with a great looking piercing when the area we have to work with is damaged by self inflicted attempts.

Wikianswers is not a venue to provide how to information that can lead to serious personal injury, any such postings will be deleted in the interest of public safety. Leave body piercing to trained and licensed professional body piercers.

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