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Q: How much do girls want guys to hold them?
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Why do girls find guys attractive?

girls find guys attractive because it is someone to hold and cuddle gives girls what they want. :)

What girls want guys to do to them?

Girls want guys to hold their hand, be silly with them, hang out together, and just do the things really good friends would do

Why do guys get girls' attention?

the guys want the girls to notice them

Why do guys think that girls a retarded?

because girls are better then guys and they don't want to admit it.

What guys want?

Girls that are hot

Do guys prefer if you make the first move?

Some guys want girls to make the first move but those are the guys that are cocky and only want to have a lot of girls after them. Guys are more into the chase.

What do girls mean to guys?

guys want to have sex with them and have baby's DUHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH

What is Girls want to be you and guys want to be with you from?

The Move the Hot Chick

Why do girls show their underwear?

They want to get guys.

Do guys want girls who use moisturizer?

99% if guys could not possibly care less if girls use moisturizer or not.

How to get the girl all of the guys want?

be the guy all the girls want (:

Why do guys like to be on top?

Because guys are lazy and want girls to do all the work.