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any thing they can catch

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Q: How much do jaguars eat each day?
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How much food does a jaguar eat every day?

Jaguars eat up to 5.5 pounds of meat each day

How do jaguars catch or get there food?

How often do jaguar eat during the day and how much does it eat

How many pounds of food do jaguars eat at a zoo each day?

About 4.4 pounds

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Do jaguars eat each other?

yes, jaguars each other. only if they can not find any pray like Deer,birds,fishes armadillo,tapirs and more.

How. Much do jaguars eat?

the average jaguar eats 20-30 pounds a day eating antilop, baby zebras and other mammals

How much sodium should you eat each day?

Just don't eat

Do jaguars eat kinkajou?

Jaguars do eat kinkajous because kinkajous have meat. Jaguars are meat eaters. In conclusion, jaguars do not eat plants, only animals.

Do jaguars or lions eat other cats?

No, Jaguars or lions do not eat other cats. No, Jaguars or lions do not eat other cats.

How much can a jaguar eat in one whole day?

Jaguars are the largest South American big cat. A jaguar can eat around 55 pounds of meat just at one sitting.

How much can a dog eat each day?

An average dog can eat up to 1-3 bowls a day