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In most states, 0.08 grams (per a certain quantity of blood) is the standard for an automatic DUI / DWI regardless of how well you were driving or how you did on the field sobriety tests. But in many states you CAN get a drunk driving or impaired driving conviction for LESS THAN 0.08, if you had some alcohol in your blood (let's say 0.05 grams) combined with a car crash (shows you were not capable of driving safely) combined with witnesses who say you sounded drunk, acted drunk, smelled drunk, etc.

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Q: How much do you have to blow on the breathalyzer to get dwi?
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What if not asked to take breathalyzer and told blow here?

If the police holds the tube in your face and instructs you to "blow here", they assume you have sense enough to know it's for a breathalyzer test.

Can you beat a breathalyzer?

Not really. You can delay it and take the breathalyzer at the station. It does measure your breath and you don't need to blow as hard as the cops will encourage you to.

Can you be charged with DWI if you don't blow?

Yes, you can be issued a citation and then charged with a DUI if you don't submit a breathalyzer. You don't need to be under the influence of alcohol, it could be prescriptions or over the counter medicine, if the officer thinks you are impaired, he can cite you.And you can lose your license for a year for refusing the breathalyzer.But a lot of attorneys will tell you not take the breathalyzer and to go to the station and either submit to a blood test.

How long after you drink will you blow 0000 on a breathalyzer?

Approximately 24 hours after you have last had alcohol or drank, you will blow a 0000 on a breathalyzer. 24 hours is the minimum amount of time it takes for alcohol to completely leave the system.

What is a valid reading on the breathalyzer that warrants reprimand?

(in the US) the legal prima facie level for proving intoxication is .08%.HOWEVER - even if you do not blow that high a score and you may not be able to be charged with Driving Under the Influence (DUI), you CAN still be charged with Driving While Impaired (DWI).

How does a breathalyzer work?

It works by giving the office a big hard blow! Wink wink ;)

Is it illegal to have somone else blow in my car breathalyzer?

Yes that is illegal to have someone blow in your car breathalyzer. It is dishonest and a violation of the law as you are allowing someone else to blow in it indicating you may or may not have been drinking and driving. Yes, unless that is the person that is driving. When you were sanctioned with a car breathalyzer you most likely signed a contract saying that you not intentionally falsify any information. That would be doing so.

How much alcohol would it take to make a 170 lb male to blow a .23 on a breathalyzer?

Impossible question to answer. Too much depends on the subjects ability to metabolize the alcohol, the contents of the stomach, and the condition of digestive system at the time the "blow" was recorded.

Can you blow into a breathalyzer more than once in a row?

The officer can make you blow again if he thinks that you weren't blowing hard enough, or long enough.But if you blow above a .08, you don't get another chance.

Can cold pills with benadrill cause breathalyzer to read higher?

Benadryl doesn't have alcohol in it, it won't affect your BAC when you are tested with a breathalyzer. If the officer thinks you are impaired you can get a DUI regardless of whether or not you blow .08 BAC.

Can you drive a boat with a DWI from your car?

you can drive a boat but it will be equipped with a breathalizer blow in and if it senses any alchohol then it will not start