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Basic percentages are:

1 child.. 20%

2 children..28%

3 children..32%

4 children..40%

5 children..45%

6+ children..50%

There can be descrepancies in the amounts depending upon the specific circumstances of the child support case in question. All percentages are based upon disposable (net) income amount of the non custodial parent.

Spousal maintenance (alimony) is determined after child support matters have been settled. The amount is determined by the need financial status of the custodial parent and contributing factors.

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Q: How much do you have to pay for Child Support and Alimony in Illinois?
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How much would you have to pay in child support?

In general, child support is a percentage of net income (e.g., in Illinois, 20% for one child, 25% for two children).

How much child support do you get from a NFL practice squad player?

Child support is a almost always a percentage of net income - in Illinois, 20% for first child, 25% for second child, etc.

If you send your child to the father for a year should you be required to send him the child support money back?

Yes, its child support. If the money is not used to support the child then its being misused. Alimony would be to support you. If the father is looking after the child, then he should not be paying child support to the mother - she doesn't have the cost of looking after the child at that time. In fact, the mother may well be in a position to send chilod support to the father - it goes both ways and she is responsible for the child just as much as the father is.

You dont make enough money to pay alimony and child support?

then they will or should cut down the cost of child support. they have to base it on how much you make but you do have to take it up in court and let them know that you are either not making enough or you don't have a job, otherwise you are going to build up a lot of back child support

How much child support does father pay from his pension in Illinois?

The minimum guideline for one child is 20% of net income, including pension.

How much can a woman get for twins from child support?

In Illinois, usually 25% of the obligor's net income, subject to support obligations being paid for older children.

How much child support for one child on 150000 a year salary in Illinois?

In Illinois, generally, support for one child is 20% of the obligor's net income. Net income is gross minus amounts withheld for union dues, health/dental insurance, FICA/Medicare, and taxes (based on the tax tables).

If you owe child support that is in arrears and you will the Illinois lottery how much do you have to give your ex-wife?

As much as it takes to pay it off, plus annual interest.

If a husband leaves his wife children for another woman can the wife get alimony from husband?

* In some cases yes she can get alimony and often will be able to keep the house as well as receive child support. Any man who leaves his wife and children without proper support isn't much of a man.

What is the amount of child support payment for three kids?

Depends on where you live, how much you make and can also depend on how much custody you have of the kids. Child support is usually a percentage of net income (e.g., in Illinois, 20% for one child, 25% for two children).

Who would pay child support?

Child support is court ordered. The judge decides who pays child support and how much.

How much money do you in child support?

In general, child support is a percentage of net income. In Illinois, for example, it's 20% of net income for one child, 25% for two, etc. Income is almost anything, including overtime, unemployment benefits and workers compensation, but not welfare payments or SSI.