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Q: How much does 454 engine block weigh?
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Why doesn't 1985 Kawasaki 454 LTD go over 2500 rpm?

How long since the valves were adjusted? These bikes love well adjusted valves, and if they are way out of adjustment, they run very poorly. There are a few other things to check out too, such as fuel restriction, or it could be running on one cylinder. There is a message board for these bikes located at the following URL, with lots of knowledgeable people, myself included- andrewk

What does a cubic foot of water weigh?

the denisty of water is 1000 kilograms per cubic meter. since there are 0.3048 meters in every foot, and roughly .454 kilograms in every pound the conversion works out to 62.42796 pounds of water per every cubic foot so for 1 cubic foot of water there is 62.43 pounds.

Write an algorithm that can find the maximum of n numbers?

#include void main(){int a[10] = { 4, 55, 65, 73, 87, 99, 45, 454, 4353, 243}; int i, j, k, l; for ( j = 9, i = 1, k = 5, l = 6; i = 3, l= 8 ; i++, j--, k--, l++){if (a[0] < a[i]){a[0] = a[i];}if (a[0] < a[j]){a[0] = a[j];}if (a[0] < a[k]){a[0] = a[k];}if (a[0] < a[l]){a[0] = a[l];}} printf("highest number = %d", a[0] );}

How do you write a c plus plus program that computes the sum mean and standard deviation of 50 numbers?

Assuming the image is an RGB image, sum the red, green and blue components of the pixels separately then divide each by the number of pixels. E.g., given two pixels RGB(a, b, c) and RGB(x, y, z) the mean is RGB ((a+x)/2, (b+y)/2, (c+z)/2).