

How much does a chip weigh?

Updated: 12/19/2022
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Q: How much does a chip weigh?
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How much mass is in a miniature chocolate chip?

Approxomently 1.3 grams for a small sized chip.

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In the fish 'n chip shop I go to it is 8 ounces.

How much does a regular potato chip weigh?

As Much As monkey poo with a moo moo cow in it

How much does a tablespoon of chocolate chips weigh?

well it depends on how big the chocolate chip is

How much does the average chip weigh?

The weight of one average potato chip is 0.042 ounces or 1.2 grams. The number of calories in one average potato chip is 5.8.

How much does the average potato chip weigh?

The weight of one average potato chip is 0.042 ounces or 1.2 grams. The number of calories in one average potato chip is 5.8.

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depending on the size of the chocolate chip it would probably weigh around 0.5 grams

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It will weigh 200kg to 400kg depending on whether it is whole tree chips, log chips, stump chips or bark (moisture content of 30% -60%)

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