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a pound

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Q: How much does a compacted bundle of aluminum cans weigh?
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How much does a compacted bundle of cans weigh?

a pound

How much does a 55 gal drum weigh of crushed aluminum cans?

On average, a 55 gallon drum filled with crushed aluminum cans can weigh around 300-400 pounds. The weight can vary depending on factors such as the density of the crushed cans and the specific type of aluminum being recycled.

How much does 100 aluminum cans weigh?

anempty can weigh about a gram, or a rasion.

How much does a trash bag full of crushed cans weigh?

Hmmmm, How big of a bag? How big are the cans? How many cans in it? What are the cans made out of? Are they aluminum? Are they steel? Hmmmmm.

What can be made from recycled aluminum cans?

More aluminum cans!!!

Is there a difference in weight if an aluminum can is flattened?

Flattening an aluminum can makes no difference to its weight. However, a bag full of flattened aluminum cans will weigh much more than a bag full of unflattened aluminum cans, simply because you can fit many more cans in the bag.

Is an aluminum can a compound?

No aluminum cans are not compounds. Aluminum cans are made of aluminum which is an element and is very metallic.

Is an Aluminum a compound?

No aluminum cans are not compounds. Aluminum cans are made of aluminum which is an element and is very metallic.

Where can you collect aluminum cans?

anywhere where you could throw away aluminum cans

How much does 24 aluminum cans weigh?

Around 13.6 oz. or 0.85 lb one can weighs 0.57 oz.

Why are cans made of iron can be separated easily from aluminum cans?

The cans containing iron are magnetic, the aluminum ones aren't.

How much does an empty coke can weigh?

A North American soda can (12 fl oz size) is manufactured from Aluminum and weighs roughly 15 grams or 0.5 ounces. Throughout Europe and Asia, such cans are typically manufactured either from an aluminum alloy or steel, which changes this weight significantly.