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by dying in water

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Q: How much does a fish give parental care to its baby after birth?
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Related questions

What do you do with your baby fish?

You will take care of the baby fish

Which fish give birth to youbg ones?

I am pretty sure that the female fish is the fish that gives birth to the baby fish...but I am not sure.

Who gives the birth to baby fish?

The momma fish lays eggs which they hatch from, so they don't 'give birth' like mammals.

How do you care for baby fish?

put them in a separate tank from bigger fish there are many websites you can look at

Do any fish give birth to live fish or just eggs?

guppies, they are easy to care for

How do sharks take care of there babies?

they eat it.

Does a fish need care after birth?

Yes and the mom and or dad should take care of it by feeding and nursing it.

Fish born alive or in a egg?

Some fish species produce eggs and some fish species give birth to live baby fish.

Do goldfish show parental care?

If eggs, or fry (baby fish) are left in the same tank as a parent, or any other goldfish for that matter before they are much more formed and able to eat regular sized goldfish food, they will be eaten.Even when an offspring is large enough for the main tank that the parents are in, they don't appear to show any parental behaviours like humans or other animals that care for their young.

How do you take care of a baby fish?

just start of with little bits of fish food then start giving it more so then your fish will know when its feeding time is

What is the meaning of fish propagation?

Fish propagation means a description of how fish reproduce (make baby fish). Some fish lay eggs, some give birth to live babies, etc.

What does the mommy penguin do wihle the daddy takes care of the baby?

they go fishing well for fish