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200,000 Pounds a year

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Q: How much does a forensic scientist earn in England in 2011?
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How much does a forensic scientist earn in England?

A forensic scientist would probably earn about £200,000 a year

How much do forensic scientists earn?

An experienced scientist earn 46,080

How much does a Forensic Science earn?

forensic scientist can earn around 35k a year for the first two years.

How much does a forensic scientist earn a year in south africa?


How much can a forensic scientist earn in Singapore with a masters?

Ranging From $70,000 To $100,000.

How much money does a forensic scientist earn in Perth Australia?

A forensic scientist makes around 70,000 dollars. Who they work for and their experience will factor into how much money they make.

How much does a forensic scientist earn?

Forensic Science Technician Salaries Experienced forensic scientists earn an average salary of $46,080 per year. Federal salaries are usually higher. Forensic Psychologist Salaries Psychologists earned between $38,560 and $66,970 annually.

How much money does a forensic scientist earn with an associate's degree?

An experienced forensic scientist may earn between $40,000 to $85,000 a year. Lab directors, who usually have advanced degrees, earn more than $100,000 a year. Entry level technicians usually make between $30,000 and $45,000 a year

What is a forensic scientist maximum salary in India?

I am currently working as a forensic scientist in India, as are some of my friends, are salary is very diverse depending on our position. However I earn Just 33 pence a day as my country is rubbish.

How much does a scientist make in a month?

Experienced forensic scientists earn an average salary of $46,080 per year.

How much money does a forensic scientist earn a month in pounds?

It depends who they work for and the contract they have made. There is no set salary.

How much money does a DEA forensic scientist earn in a year?

Depends on pay "Grade" scale. Ranges from 75-125k, averages to 115k