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a blue whale can weigh up to 150 tons ( 136,000 kg ) .

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it is 91 kilograms.

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Q: How much does a humpback whale calf weigh in kilos?
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Can a humpback whale calf swim when its born?

Yes, otherwise it would just sink and die.

Does a humpback whale know how to swim right away?

All the data I've reviewed and researched about the Humpback Whale indicates that the young or "calf" knows how to swim when they are delivered into the ocean during birth. The mother's or cow's main duties are to protect and feed her young/calf, for the next five to seven months until weaning.

Does a blue whale calf weigh about 50 tons at birth?

No, about 3 tons

What to you call a baby whale?

Young whales are called calves (singular form is calf), no matter which kind.

What is a name for a baby whale?

the name of a whale's baby is a calf or calves

What is a baby humpback whale called?

A calf.While still nursing on mother's milk, (7-8 months) baby whales are called calves.While still nursing on mother's milk, (7-8 months) baby whales are called calves. One baby is a calf.Read more: What_is_a_baby_humpback_whales_called

Does a blue whale calf weigh 2000 pounds at birth?

No, closer to 6000 pounds. 3 tons.

How much do whales weigh when they are born?

It depends on species. A blue whale (Balaenoptera musculus) calf can weigh 6,000-8,000 lbs (2,700-3600 kg), while a minke whale (Balaenoptera acutorostrata) calf may only weigh 700 lbs (320 kg).

What are young ones of whale called?

A young/baby whale is called a calf

What is the name of a juvenile whale?


Does the humpback whales have family?

Protecting him, her or the mother's calf

Who feeds the calf whale?

The momma whale.