

How much does a tapir eat a day?

Updated: 11/14/2022
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13y ago

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They have been kown to eat up to 80lbs of vegetation a day

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Q: How much does a tapir eat a day?
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How much food does a tapir eat?

They have been observed to eat up to 40kgs of vegetation in one day

What does a mountain tapir eat?

Ferns and Plant Shoots.

Do tapir eat beatles?

Not on purpose. Tapir are herbivores. They eat leaves, fallen fruit, buds, and twigs. If a beetle gets mixed in there, I don't know if they spit it out or swallow it.

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they eat tapir, monkeys, several birds and insects.

What does a tapir animal eat?

Glad that you asked.....A tapir is an omnivore and almost everybody thinks that it's a vegetarian. But one day my friend Jeremy and I went to the Amazon Rainforest in South America and we saw a tapir hunting for several baby toucans and ate some plants so a tapir is an omnivore. So back to the question, the tapir consists a diet of berries, leaves and fruit but a tapir also eats baby toucans, banded rattlesnakes and some tapirs, fish hope this helped and I am not lying because My friend Jeremy and I actually saw a baby toucan being eaten by a tapir if you want the specific tapir type its the Brazilian Tapir HOPED THIS HELPED!

Do people eat tapirs?

Humans have been known to hunt the tapir for its meat and skin. Some species of tapir are threatened or endangered for this reason.

How often do you feed a Brazilian tapir on roar?

You feed the Brazilian Tapir on roar 2 times a day every morning and evening

What is a tapir favorite meal?

tapirs love to eat berries and fruits

How do tapir eat?

They use there strong jaw's and sharp but nubby teeth.

What is a tapirs predator?

A Jaguar can eat a tapir

how much can u eat in a day?

I can eat 500kcal in a day!

What does tapirs eat?

The tapir is a herbivore and spends it's time browsing for food to eat. The tapir eats leaves, twigs, branches, buds, shoots, berries, fruits and aquatic plants.