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The actual dollar amount will vary by jurisdiction, but in relation to other vehicles, tailgating a fire truck will cost you much more. Emergency and police vehicles are given special protection in traffic.

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Q: How much does a traffic ticket cost for following too close to a fire truck?
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No. Traffic violations are strict liability. Not knowing that the light was red or that the speed limit had dropped does not excuse you of these violations. If you were too close to the truck to see the traffic light, you could probably also be cited with Following Too Close.

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It means only local truck traffic.

How much are cdl truck driver violation tickets in California?

A cdl truck driver that receives a speeding ticket has more to worry about than just the fine. A serious CDL violation such as a 25 over speeding ticket can cost you your job not to mention the increase in your personal car insurance. In general a cdl truck driver should contest any California speeding ticket he receives. Normally you will receive what is known as a courtesy notice from the California traffic court within two to three weeks of the violation. It will tell you how much is the fine. California has some of the highest speeding ticket fines in the nation. The fine can vary from county to county so only the California traffic court can tell you the amount. You must take care of the ticket by your court date even if you do not receive the courtesy notice or they will usually suspend your license and issue a warrant. The traffic court location is on the ticket and you can Google for their phone number. Usually it is difficult to get through on the phone.

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What truck.

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Two feet

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