

How much does an alpaca eat?

Updated: 11/16/2022
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Q: How much does an alpaca eat?
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Do chickens and alpaca eat pumpkin?

Yes. Both chickens and Alpaca will eat and enjoy pumpkins. The chickens will eat the meat and seeds of a pumpkin. The Alpaca will eat skin, meat and seeds. Alpaca's will get most of a shared pumpkin because chickens really do eat like a bird and the Alpaca can take much bigger bites.

What does an alpaca eat?

According to the Animal Encyclopedia, the alpaca eats "tender grasses." For more information, see the Related Link.

Can Alpaca's eat pears?

They can, but probably should not be fed pears.

What does it mean if an alpaca wont shut its mouth and will not eat at dinner time?

it is a weight-sensitive alpaca on its own eating schedule that also is a chatterbox.

Can people eat alpaca meat?

(1) Yes. The meat of all mammals can be eaten if properly prepared. (2) Yes. An alpaca is a mammal, and it can be eaten if prepared properly. It used to be considered a delicacy in South America until recently.(3) Any meat can be eaten, but since the alpaca gene pool is getting increasingly smaller, you will not see any alpaca meat on the legal market. (4) Alpaca meat can indeed be eaten. The alpaca has an increasingly small gene pool, so it is not likely you shall ever eat it. Alpacas are prized for their wool, and are not considered a meat animal. Alpaca meat can be eaten

How much does an alpaca weigh?

about 125 pounds

How much can an alpaca carry on its back?

an alpaca can carry only a little weight usually about 30 or 40 pounds

Is a alpaca a omnivore?

Yes. They eat no meat but the do eat hay, nuts, bread, apples, carrots etc.

Why do the reindeer eat the alpaca's?

dont no hahahahahahahahahaah think cause thghere hungry

What is the alpaca diet?

Alpacas eat grasses, hay, and other plants (such as leaves)

How much wool does an alpaca produce per year?

not much mate.

Can alpaca eat oats?

Yes they do. My pet alpaca, Ronny, loves bread. Sometimes she will break into my house at night and steal some bread from my cupboard. Her favourite is cheese bread.