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an 8 ball costs around 100-150 US$. an they amount of rocks doesnt matter. You can have one big one or alot or sandy small ones. just look for yellowish brown(sand color) for purer rocks. an never pay more then 150.....ever..

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Q: How much does an eightball of crack cost and how many rocks can you get out of it?
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How many dime bags of crack can you get out of an eightball?

28 dime bags bro

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Crack and powder cocaine are two separate substances.Crack comes in rock form ,and cocaine is a powder...To answer your question you make about $80 a gram crack thats about 28 dimes.With powder u make about $60 a gram

What is the effect on rocks in cold weather?

If it is cold, say, in Alaska, the most common effect on rocks is frost wedging. Frost wedging is when water gets in a crack in the rock, and the water freezes, making the rock crack a little more. When water keeps on going into the crack, and the ice gets bigger, it eventually will separate the rock into two or more parts, making the rock into many little rocks. I hope you find this useful! ^-^

How much does a yard of decorative rock cost?

The cost will depend upon the kind of rock you are looking for. Many rocks will cost around $6 per pound.

How many sedimentary rocks are there on Earth?

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How many types of weathering is there and what are they?

Biological- By animals plants and people burrowing or waling on rocks=Chemical- Acid rain corroding==Physical- Freeze-Thaw (water goes into crack freezes and expands -see bbc bitesize revision ks3), Sea eroding rocks.=

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A crackalackin' crack oyster cracker cracker would crack as many crackalackin' crack oyster crackers as a crackalackin' crack oyster cracker cracker could crack, if a crack oyster cracker cracker could crack oyster crackers in a crackalackin' way.

How many pages does Step on a Crack have?

Step on a Crack has 400 pages.

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The Crack in Space has 190 pages.

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The Crack-Up has 347 pages.

How are faults created?

Over many years, moving plates build up pressure inside rocks. Tension strains rocks and those rocks crack and shift to relieve the pressure. That's how faults are created. Well, don't quote me on this because I'm only an eleven year old girl.