

How much does an elephant dilate?

Updated: 4/28/2022
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Q: How much does an elephant dilate?
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How much do you have to dilate before going to hospital?

3cm and NO less!!

What is heavier an elephant or osmium?

Osmium is much denser than an elephant. Which is heavier depends on how much elephant and how much osmium you're talking about. An elephant-sized pile of osmium would weigh over 20 times as much as an elephant-sized elephant would.

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Pygmy elephants are much, much larger than elephant shrews.

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How much is an elephant?

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How can you use the word dilate in a sentence?

He continued to dilate on the subject for what seems forever. or Darkness and light will cause your eyes to dilate.

When your pupils dilate are you lying?

While dilated pupils can sometimes indicate arousal or interest, they do not necessarily mean someone is lying. Pupil dilation can also be triggered by changes in light, mood, or even certain medications. It is important to consider other behavioral cues and verbal indicators when trying to determine if someone is lying.

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How much taller is a bull elephant than a timber elephant?

On average a bull elephant is 10 feet tall, and a timber elephant is about 9 feet tall. A bull elephant is about 1 foot taller than a timber elephant.