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An occlusal splint (also known as an occlusal guard or night guard) typically costs $300-500 when purchased through a dentist. Some or all of the cost may be covered by insurance.

That price is for the high-quality, custom-fitted mouth guards, however. There are also cheap, over the counter models you can buy for around $10. These resemble the plastic mouth guards worn by football players. Typically, you boil one of these in water, then bite down on it to mold it into the shape of your teeth.

The custom-fitted occlusal splints purchased through a dentist are the most trustworthy, but for people who can't afford them, a "boil and bite" mouth guard often works well for things like teeth grinding.

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2w ago

The cost of an occlusal splint can vary depending on the type of material used, the complexity of the design, and the dental office's location. On average, the cost can range from $300 to $800. It's best to consult with a dentist for an accurate estimate based on your specific needs.

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What is the average cost of an occlusal splint?

The average cost of an occlusal splint can range from $300 to $800, depending on factors such as the material used, the complexity of the design, and the dentist's location. Additional expenses may also include initial consultation fees and follow-up visits for adjustments.

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The cost of an occlusal guard (night guard) varies greatly depending on where you get it. A custom-fitted occlusal guard ordered from the dentist can cost $300-400 or even more. However, you can also find "boil and bite" mouth guards over the counter for $20 or less. In between, there are services that will customize a night guard for you based on impressions of your teeth that you make at home. A custom occlusal guard from the dentist will usually do the best job, especially if it's for an extreme clenching/grinding problem, or for TMJ problems. However, many people can't afford them, and over the counter options often work just as well.

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