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Q: How much does cost to mount a flat screen tv above a fireplace?
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What is the average cost for a corner fireplace?

A corner fireplace can cost many different amounts depending on how nice the fireplace it. A cheaper corner fireplace can cost approximately 600 dollars, where a more expensive one can run over 1,000 dollars.

Where can I find brackets to mount a flat screen on my wall?

All of the local box stores have brackets to mount flat screen tv's on the wall. One of the cheapest places I found was the local flea market. They are new brackets at half the cost.

What is the average cost of a fireplace heater?

The average cost of a fireplace heater will depend on the type. This will depend on whether it is a gas or electric heater and including the costs of the fireplace and labor (installation). Hence the average cost will range between 100-2500 GBP.

How much is the avg. gas fireplace installation cost in the U.S.?

The average gas fireplace installation cost is about $500. It is cheaper than a wood burning foreplace installation.

What are the cons of using an electric wall fireplace?

The cost of an electric wall fireplace can be hefty, as well as the addition cost to use the unit. The electric wall fireplace can give off an illusion of being a "safe" alternative to a regular fireplace, and as a result, the user may leave it unattended. This poses a greater fire hazard risk.

If I buy a napoleon gas fireplace, will my heating costs go through the roof?

No, a gas fireplace does not cost that much money to operate. They are more cost friendly than electric heaters.

How much would it cost to build a mount for a plasma screen TV?

Depending on your access to the necessary power tools and equipment, supplies should cost around 30 dollars. For more information on building a mount:

How much does it cost to change your existing fireplace into a gas one?

The cost to change your existing fireplace into a gas fireplace will vary a great deal depending on your local economy. You have 4 factors to consider: 1. Do you have propane or natural gas? 2. The price of the gas log and burner kit that YOU should supply the plumber. 3. Is your gas log fireplace supposed to be vented or not? 4. How far away is the closest gas supply to your fireplace? The plumber will have to run a gas line to your fireplace, drill the fireplace and install the gas logs and possibly close the flu or vent in your existing chimney. That will be anywhere from 3 to 6 hours of labor, depending on all of the above items. Each house is different. Remember though, once you convert, you can no longer burn wood in your fireplace. I would guess the total cost could be as low as $400 or as high as $1000, but most plumbers would give you a free estimate. Contact a few licensed plumbing contractors in your area and get a few estimates.

How much does an outdoor fireplace approximately cost?

A professionally installed outdoor fireplace will cost approximately $1400 minimum. The more extravagent you get with the fire place the more expensive it will be. They can range all the way up to $20,000.

Is a wall mount required when purchasing an hdtv?

No, it is not required to purchase one. In homes with small children, it may be recommended since flat screen TVs can seriously harm a child if it falls on them. A wall mount should cost around $20-$100 (depend on the size). Installation can cost upwards to $500.

What are the benefits of a wood burning fireplace versus a gas fireplace?

Some of the benefits of a wood burning fireplace include the lower cost of heating a home versus the cost of gas. Wood is also considered a renewable resource so it could be argued is better for the environment than the fossil fuel of gas.

Where can one purchase a fake fireplace?

You may purchase a fake fireplace at your local hardware store or big-box retailer. You can also purchase a fake fireplace online, but be warned, the shipping cost could be very high.