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Q: How much does it cost for 3 corn on the cob?
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How much corn on a medium cob?

One large corn cob = 1 cup; One medium corn cob = 3/4 cup

How many cups equal a corn cob?

One ear of corn on the cob equals less than one cup of corn. There is approximately 3/4 of a cup of corn in one medium ear of corn.

What is a 3 letter word for part of an ear of the corn?


How do you say ladies in chamorro?

Just remember the 3 Cs; Churro, Chinchilla, Corn on the Cob

What is the cost of karo syrup?

It is not known how much corn syrup costed in the 1920's. Today corn syrup cost around 3 dollars.

How long should fresh corn on the cob be boiled in water?

Fresh corn on the cob actually does not require boiling. Most people do boil it but you boil it as long as you want. Five minutes is enough. An extra Tip: adding a half cup of sugar enhances the flavor of the corn as well.

How much does an ear of corn weigh?

3cf x 3cf x 3cf = 27cf 1.25cf = 1 bushel of corn 1 bushel of corn weighs 56 pounds 27cf/1.25cf=21.6 21.6 bushels x 56 pounds = 1209.6 pounds 1209.6 is how much 1 cubic yard weighs The formual is misstated. It should be: 3 feet x 3 feet x 3 feet = 27 cf

Where did the word cob come from?

Several meaning/origins. 1. A corncob: corn on the cob. 2. A male swan. 3. A thickset, stocky, short-legged horse. 4. A small lump or mass, as of coal. 5. A mixture of clay and straw used as a building material The origin of the building material (adobe) cob is probably from: COB: a rounded heap or mass; a small heap of anything

How many cups equal 6 ears of corn?

One medium ear of corn has about 3/4 cup of corn kernels.

How much does one ear of sweet corn weigh?

The full ear including husk, cob, and kernels weighs about a pound, depending on a number of factors. One ear will yield about four to six ounces of kernels.

What are the main crops grown in Britain?

The main crops grown in the UK are. 1. Potatoes 2. Corn on the cob 3. Wheat 4. Oat 5. Sugar beat

How many lbs of canned corn will feed 300 people?

four gallons of corn