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340,000 dollars

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Q: How much does it cost for Taylor swift to perform a my university?
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Can you speak to Taylor Swift?

Umm yes you can talk to Taylor Swift on her fan site But i think it cost money.

What is the cost for a decent Taylor swift concert ticket?

When i went to the Taylor Swift concert, i got mine for like $80. I was beside the stage.

How much does it cost for Taylor Swift to sing at kids parties?

Taylor Swift IS available and WILL perform private parties, but be prepared to shell out $1,000,000-$3,500,000. And that is just for the artist's guarantee. You will still be responsible for staging, lighting, sound, catering, flights, hotels, catering, backline rentals, etc.

How much would it cost to have Taylor swift perform at your sweet 16?

I dont think it's several millions but definitely more than want 99.999 percent of people could afford...

How much do Taylor Swift tickets cost?

100 dollars to 200 dollars

How much will Taylor Swift's perfume cost?

It will probably cost a lot just like Brittany Spears' perfume

How much do T-shirts cost at Taylor Swift concerts?

About 45, It depends on the shirt.

How much does the dress that Taylor Swift wore for the Wonderstruck commercials cost?

5000 dollars i know because harry styles my brother told me because he is daring taylor swift o my name is gema

How much will it cost for Taylor Swift to do your party?

According to the Huffington Post, at least one million dollars.

Will it cost money to see Taylor Swift at the mall of America?

It will cost money if she is doing a concert, but it won't cost anything if she is just going to be there signing autographs etc.

How much does Taylor Swift's perfumes cost?

It depends where you get it and what country. The price is usually around 40-60 USD.

How much did Taylor swift 2008 cma dress cost?

Which Dress? I'd say anywhere from $500-$1k.