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This answer depends on where you live, how much you are paying for a drum of oil and how big an area you are heating. Why not write us back with at least the measurements of the heating area so we will be better equipped to answer your question. The area that you live in would help as well.

There are some stats based on 2004-2005 across all types of heating at the link below.

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Q: How much does it cost per month on average to heat a house with oil?
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If you mean a single family dwelling then the answer is probably not. The cost per month at .07/kWh would be $595.00. An average 3200 sq ft. home without electric heat will use about 1000 kWh per month.

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Cost on average to heat 4 bed home per quarter?

it doesnt cost any more to heat a 4 bed than a 3 bed house to be honest i had a 3 bed house and moved to a 4 bed and to be honest the costs are about the same if not a bit less you tend to acclimatize yourself to the bigger space after a while and if you leave the bedroom doors open then the heat can travel around tghe rooms therefore costing less to heat ,,

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