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about 5000 but u might have insurance tocover that

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Q: How much does it cost to get colored braces if you need brace but don't have them yet?
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How much do brace cost for 12 year olds?

dont know u tell me

How much does a full set of braces cost?

for bottom and top braces around £2000 but you may want to try getting them on the NHS (uk) like i did then you dont have to pay anything

How can you snog with braces?

you can still do this but you will have to get used to it with braces, people speak like you dont have a life if you have braces but actually they dont stop you from doing anything you would before!

What will you look like with braces?

Well first of all don't try and hide the fact u have braces just keep on smiling and people probably won't notice u have braces. Make sure u clean ur teeth twice a day if u get yellow braces because if ur teeth are the same colour as ur teeth that would be embarassing. Wear ur hair where it looks it's best and put a little bit a maycup on but not to much u don't want to be called cake face and also if people bully u bout braces don't worry they will look good as long as u don't get bright colours that stand out more and if u can draw attension away from braces There are colored braces available now, I've seen them. Ask your orthodontist! Dont agree with the answer above. To make yourself look good in braces , you need to believe that you do. Dont go changing everything else about you to its best because its just metal in your mouth. Dont wear make-up all the time and don't faff around with your hair all the time. The worst thing to do is droop around moaning about having a brace. Be happy , show everyone that having a brace wont bring you down , and to be honest , it shouldn't! Wear your brace with pride and if you feel great about having a brace , you will look great. Dont change! They're not permanent! Hope i helped , and trust me , they're not that bad! ;)

Do you get bullied if you get braces?

it depends on where you are. i don't get bullied because everyone has them. Sometimes you can , yes. If you do , talk to a responsible adult to sort it out. Dont let them bring you down if you do , just ignore everything they say , its great to have a brace because in the end you will look great. Good luck! ;)

Do braces make your lips stick out?

Well , I have had a brace , and to be honest , it wasn't great and i did prefer it when i didn't have one. But , after you have a brace , your teeth look better than before , and then , you really do look good. Having a brace is only temporary , and on average you have them in for 1 - 2 years. Braces don't change the way you look in any way at all , its only metal on your teeth for a while to straighten them! Just remember , you may think its rubbish at first , but when they're taken out and your teeth are wonderful and straight , you'll be happy you have had one. Many , many adults WISH they had had a brace and now they dont smile at all. So , you may not think they look nice when you have them on , but , its only for a year or two , and the years of your life after that will be great and happy , and very very SMILEY! Dont ever worry about having one!

What do you do when your in a tornado and i mean in?

When it has thrown you dont stick your arms out to brace you fall.

Do you get braces for an overjet?

Hi, i'm getting braces in 2 weeks and this first one will be for my overjet. I think its about 9mm and they are clear removable ones but they aren't invisaligns there clear on a few front top teeth and the rest is just metal brace. The advantage is that you only keep them on for a few months. After I have these on i get proper braces on for about a year or less. I've heard from friends that they dont hurt they just ache afterwards for about 2-3 days. Hope this helped xoxo

When can take off braces?

I dont think you can take your braces off yourself i think you need to go to a orthadontist

Can you wear braces and compete in pageants?

Go for it! it doesn't matter about the looks, i dont know for sure but how does braces stop you from entering? :)

Did Miranda Cosgrove have braces?

No, she hasn't.

Can you make braces with earring backs?

i dont think so