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Q: How much does mayor bloomberg get paid a year?
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How much does the mayor of new york get paid a year?

The mayor of New York City is paid $225,000 a year.

How much is a mayor paid?

The salary of a mayor is determined by the local people of the area feel is right. Generally larger towns pay the mayor more. The mayor of Chicago is paid $216,210. The mayor of Green Bay, Wisconsin is $82,535 a year. The mayor of Naperville, IL is paid $41,000.

How much does the mayor of Chicago get paid?

Depends on how much he can extort. ($170,000 annually)

How much does the mayor of new york city make?

New York City Mayor Michael Bloomberg's salary is $1 a year. He chose this over the regular mayoral salary because he is already a billionaire and does not need the money. The official mayoral salary is $195,000.

Who is the highest paid mayor in Milano?

The mayor of Milano is €43,200 per year.

How much do Bloomberg users pay per year?

Bloomberg? This is cigarettes! You must be speaking of the News Service!

How is a mayor paid?

The salary of a mayor is determined by the local people of the area feel is right. Generally larger towns pay the mayor more. The mayor of Chicago is paid $216,210. The mayor of Green Bay, Wisconsin is $82,535 a year. The mayor of Naperville, IL is paid $41,000.

How much money does a govornor make?

i think that they get to propose how much money the want to make for exsample new york city mayor mike bloomberg make 1$ a year because during his campain he said if elected he will only make 1$ a year

How much does the mayor of Bucyrus Ohio get paid?

The Mayor of Bucyrus, Ohio is paid about $39,000 per year. Pretty good money I would say for no drug test, education, and only being required to show up once a month.

What is the birth name of Michael Bloomberg?

Michael Bloomberg was born on February 14, 1942. Last year (2012), the popular New York City Mayor turned 70 years old. Born on Valentines Day, he shares this late winter birthday with other notable personalities like Gregory Hines, Renee Fleming and Paul Tsongas.

Why does the Mayor of New York City only make 1 dollar a year?

Michael Bloomberg chose to receive a salary of $1 a year, instead of the regular mayoral salary of $195,000 a year, because he is already a billionaire and does not need the money.

How much is the mayor of Tampa Florida paid?

The mayor's salary is set by city ordinance, so it varies. It's usually between $50,000 - $100,000/year depending on the size of the city. Obviously the mayor of a big city has more responsibilities and so will make a larger salary. Interestingly, the mayor does not collect the highest paycheck of all the city government workers. The Chief of Police usually makes around twice the salary of the mayor under whom they work. The Utilities Director also pulls in a hefty salary.