

How much does the bottled water industry make per year?

Updated: 8/17/2019
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12y ago

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a lot of money

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Q: How much does the bottled water industry make per year?
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Does tap water cost more than bottled water?

NO!!! bottled water costs so much more than tap!

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Is bottled water soft water?

Bottled water is not necessarily soft water. Much of the bottled water sold in stores is plain tap water, some is from springs containing various minerals in solution, and some is distilled water.

Which is better bottled water or tap water for plant growth?

I have heard that bottled water is better for plant growth because tap water has too much iron in it.

Apart from the envioronment problems that bottled water causes it is also very expensiveTap water costs 75 cents for 1000 liters while bottled water is sold at 2400 per 1000liters Assuming 1.50?

Question Continue>Calculate how much water a liter of tap water costs.>Calculate how much a liter of bottled water costs.>If you drink 2 liters of tap water instead of 2litres of bottled water how much money would you save?

How much money does it cost to buy bottled water?

About 1.50. :)

How much is one liter bottled water?

1 liter

How much water is?

It depends, if you get it from a tap then it is free. If you get bottled water then the price depends on the amount of water and what shop you get it from.

How much money do you save by drinking tap water compared to bottled water?

Tap water is, for all intents and purposes, free and freely available. Bottled water is not free and you can easily spend $1-$2 for 20 ounces.

How much water is needed to become intoxicated?

you can not get intoxicated on tap water or a bottled water unless an additive has been introduced

Is tap water good?

no not if you have to much iron ,but it might be good for you it has calcium

Is tap water and toilet water the same?

Some bottled waters are pretty much the same as tap water. The main advantage of bottled water is that it doesn't have chlorine as does tap water. But now there's evidence that the plastic that contains most bottled water emits toxic chemicals....This chemical is a chemical that is known to cause a rare type of Alzheimer's disease so be careful. I recommend you drink tap water, it may have chlorine but it might be better for you than bottled water.edit:::Millions and millions of dollars are spent each week on advertising Ideas and/or discussions to give people the main idea that bottled water comes from some far away mountain spring or an underground aquifer, assuring purity and quality. However, the fact is that bottled water is oftentimes little more than just tap water in a bottle may sometimes be worse.You see, the federal regulations that govern bottled water require it to be only as good as tap water, not better. There are no regulations or requirements that bottled water are any higher in quality than tap water, and according to some recent studies, it may often be of lower quality.The fact is that people pay from $1 to $4 a gallon for the perception of higher quality, when in fact the quality of bottled water is at best unknown. Over 90% of the cost of bottled water is in the bottle lid and label.The bottled water industry is full of deception and questionable ethics. Industry lobbyists successfully fight every year to keep bottled water companies from having to abide by even the minimal health standards set by the EPA for tap water. City tap water, from surface water, must be filtered and disinfected. In contrast, there are no federal filtration or disinfections requirements for bottled water. Most cities using dsurface water have had to test for (Cryptosporidium) or (Guardia), two common water (pathogens) that can cause diarrhea and other intestinal problems even though bottled water companies do not have to do this.Filtering out the chlorine, lead and other contaminants at the point of use, just prior to consumption, is really the only way to know for sure about the quality of your water. And when you factor in the benefits of lower cost, convenience and quality assurance, an in-home water filtration system is clearly the more sensible alternative to bottled water.