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Q: How much does the deep sea ocean account for the earths carbon?
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What does the deep ocean get from carbon?

kiyo oiouio

Which item is not available in the deep ocean carbon dioxide water nutrients or sunlight?

what item is not available in the deep ocean carbon dioxide,water,nutrients,or sunlight

How does carbon move from the atmosphere into the deep ocean?

the carbon dissolves into the water

What is the earths surface from the edge of a continent to the deep part of the ocean?

continental shelf

What are deep ocean trenches caused by?

Plate tectonics, the moving and repositioning of earths plates.

The deep waters of the ocean are?

poor in oxygen and rich in carbon dioxide

When carbon enters to the deep ocean how long does it stay there?

Hundreds of years

How does water temperature differences create deep water currents?

Deep-ocean currents are affected by wind, temperature and earths rotation.

How might carbon dioxide cycle in a deep ocean vent ecosystem?


How and why does the earths crust vary from place to place?

The earths crust its 5-70km deep in the ocean and upto 100km deep at mountain ranges. At certain areas, the crust is unstable due to moving plate tectonics.

How and why does the earths crust varies from place to place?

The earths crust its 5-70km deep in the ocean and upto 100km deep at mountain ranges. At certain areas, the crust is unstable due to moving plate tectonics.

How does subduction change the ocean floor?

Subductions causes the ocean floor to sink into deep-ocean trenches and the earths plates move apart from molten rock or magma ana the earths crusts rises a departs. Thank You, Professor Einstien