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He earns roughly 3-5 grand for a 30 second spot.. I should actually say his parents earn it but whatever..

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Q: How much does the etrade baby get paid?
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Was the etrade baby in Harry Potter?

No, he wasn't.

Is there a new voice for the etrade baby?

Commercial Director Randy Krallman

When was the Baby Game Day ETrade commercial first aired on television?

The Baby Game Day ETrade commercial made its first premiere the day of Super Bowl XLII in 2008. The full date it first aired on television was February 3, 2008.

What are some brokerage firms that will offer free advice on a business investment?

Vanguard, Zecco, and eTrade are some companies that offer advice. Often times the advice is worth about as much as you paid for it though.

What is ETrade?

Etrade is an online discount brokerage firm.

What ad agency does the etrade ads?

etrade and

Is Lindsay Lohan suing Etrade?

Yes. She is suing Etrade for using her name in the Etrade Girlfriend commercial. They referred to her as a "Milk-a-Holic"

How does one purchase car insurance from eTrade?

The company, eTrade, does not sell car insurance. eTrade is a financial services company. At eTrade, you can invest and trade with an online leader. They have a full range of financial services.

What companies are known for their funny commercials?

Some companies which are known for their funny commercials include eTrade (featuring the "eTrade baby"), Geico (feauring the "Geico Gecko" as well as other personalities) and Budweiser (who use various human actors in humorous situations).

What is the routing number for etrade bank?

Etrade Bank Routing Number 256072691

Why did Etrade UK decide to close?

Etrade United Kingdom decided to close because a lot of their stocks were plummeting and people weren't paying to trade stocks on their website online as much anymore.

How much does a doctor get paid per baby that they deliver?

200-400 dollars