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It doesn't. Alcohol evaporates faster than water so the proof of a whiskey will slightly lower during aging.

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Q: How much does whiskey proof rise during aging?
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How much proof is crown royal whiskey?

Crown Royal is 80 proof.

How much did whiskey cost during the whiskey rebellion?

about $5-$8

What is the difference between whiskey and bourbon?

Bourbon is at least 51% corn based, with aging in the oak barrels of at least 24 months.

How much scotch is lost in aging?

When scotch whiskey is aged in barrels up to two percent is lost per year due to evaporation; this loss is known as the 'angel's share'.

What was the leading pain- killer during the civil war?

Whiskey, or a rag in the mouth to prevent to much screaming.

Medicine in the Civil War?

whiskey... doctors had barley any supplies so they used whiskey to get them drunk during an operation, like amputations, so they wouldn't feel as much pain

What alcoholic drink needed a cooper to make?

Pretty much all of them, beer, wine and whiskey. Many still use barrels for fermentation and aging. Kentucky Bourbon requires the use of an oak barrel.

How much surger is in jack Daniels whiskey?

There is no sugar in Jack Daniel's whiskey.

Is vodka stronger or whiskey?

Depends on the bottling distillation. Both Vodka and Gin are typically bottled anywhere from 80 to 100 proof. If a bottle of gin and a bottle of vodka both state on their label that they are "100 proof", they are identically "strong". If you get a bottle of vodka that is 80 proof, and a bottle of gin that is 94 proof, the gin is stronger, and so on.

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