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Salary, earning potential, and marketability are not only determined by the type of field you are in and the degree you possess. It depends on your position within that field, the institution you work for, your experience, expertise, personal abilities, critical thinking skills, problem solving abilities, dedication and commitment toward ones work, and more. Thus, salary is not so much dependent on the type of degree as much as it is dependent on the person who holds the degree.

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14y ago

The diffeerence in income between a Bachelors Degree Holder and a Master's Degree holder depends more on the field of study than on the degree itself. In some fields, a Masters always brings a substantial increase in salary, in others the increase can be much smaller.

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It depends on your position within the organization. In other words, executive leadership, middle management, front line management or front line employees.

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Q: How much do you get paid for a master's degree?
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It's not the degree that determines ones salary, but the individual who has the degree, their expertise, their abilities, the type of job, their position within that job, etc. Having a master's degree in any field does not guarantee a particular salary.

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In general, a masters degree will earn you a higher salary, regardless of what the degree is in. It is worth it to go back to get your masters. you will earn a higher paying job.

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$ 125/Hr Flat rate if traveling expenses are paid.

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The type of degree you have does not effect your salary: If two engineers both got the same job, they would be paid the same - regardless of there degree type. BUT Allot of engineering companies, particularly the top ones, will only employ undergraduates with a masters degree. Therefore it does not effect salary but it effects your job market. Source: I am a undergraduate mechanical engineer myself.

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Are you pooping green?

If you have a bachelors degree in science can you get a masters in nutrition?

Once you have a bachelor degree, you can get a masters degree in whatever you wish. The masters degree will help you get better paying jobs.