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A 75 watt light bulb consumes 75 watt every hour if left on continuously.

You electric company charges by the kilowatt hour. So since 75 watts = .075KW x 48 hours you would use 3.6 KWhrs. If you are paying about 12 cents per KWhr it would cost you about 42 cents.

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Q: How much electicial energy does a 75 W light bulb use if it is on for 5 hours?
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What powers a light bulb?

The energy used by a lightbulb in kWh can be calculated from the voltage across the bulb, the current through the bulb, and the number of hours of operation of the bulb. energy = voltage * current * hours / 1000

What transformations occur in a light bulb?

In a light bulb, electrical energy is transformed into light energy and heat energy.

What is the source of energy in a light bulb?

Electricity is the source of energy in a light bulb.

What is most of the energy produced by a light bulb?

Most of the energy in a light bulb is heat energy.

When energy runs through a light bulb what kind of energy does the light bulb produce?

A light bulb uses electrical energy, and produces light, as well as heat.

What energy occurs in the light bulb?

light and heat energy occur in a light bulb when it is turned on.

What energy transformation occurs in a bulb?

In a light bulb, electrical energy is transformed into light energy and heat energy.

Is a light bulb an example og electromagnetic energy?

A light bulb is not an example of electromagnetic energy, but the light which the bulb gives off is an example of electromagnetic energy.

When the light bulb is lit electrical energy is changed into light energy and?

When lighting a light bulb, it is changed into light and heat/thermal energy.

Do halogen bulbs save energy and money?

Halogen light bulbs are more efficient on energy and last twice as long as a regular light bulb thus saving you money. After researching several websites on energy it is stated that a regular light bulb costs $9.49 for 1460 hours of use whereas a halogen light for the same amount of hours costs $8.76.

How is light bulb a form of energy?

A light bulb IS not a form of energy, it CONVERTS energy. A lightbulb converts electricity into heat and visible light.

What does 40 watts bulb mean?

An electrical watt is a measure of power. A 40 watt light bulb uses 40 watts of electrical power. It has a relative measure of twice the light output of a 20 watt bulb and one half the output of an 80 watt bulb. A 40 watt bulb uses 40 Joules of energy each second, or 40 watt-hours of energy each hour. In 1000 hours it uses 40 kilowatt-hours or Units of electrical energy.