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Q: How much electricity does an average factory use per day?
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How much pollution does an average factory produce a day?

sorry- no such thing as an "average factory". It depends on what they make, and the controls they have in placed. Some factories produce NO pollution.

How much is the average electricity for the household?

In my household 15 units/day in summer, 25 units/day in winter.

How much electricity does a human use per day?

a average person uses about 5.7 kWh per day

How much electricity does the average person use in a day hour wise?

How much electrical energy does the average person use in a day . . . In the UK the figure is about 16 kilowatt hours.

How much electricity does the average home use in a day?

100$ 920 kw hours per month

How much electricity does the average worker use each day?

The average worker uses about 600 TVH. This depends on how energy efficient their workplace is and what kind of environment they work in.

How much electricity does a Canadian use in one day?

On average about 24 kilowatt-hours which is more than most people in the world.

How much electricity does everybody in the world use?

A lot of electricity a day

A factory builds 960 cars in 5 days what is the average number of cars the factory produces per day?

192 cars per day

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How much electricity is generated by 1 solar sell on a sunny day?

How much electricity can be produced by a system of solar panels in a day?

that depends on how much sunlight there is. But alot of electricity.

How much electricity does the UK use per day?

Wikipedia :Average annual residential electricity usage by city, 2000-2005. ... yet domestic production is only 6 million barrels per day (950000 m3/d).