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Q: How much energy a hydrogen atom with its electron in the E2 energy level must absorb for the electron to be removed from the atom.?
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Can the electron in the ground state of hydrogen absorb a photon of energy 13.6eV and greater than 13.6eV?

yes , the electron in the ground state of the hydrogen atom will absorb a photon of energy 13.6ev but not greater than 13.6 ev . because 13.6 ev is the energy which excites the hydrogen atom

What is second ionization energy of hydrogen?

hydrogen has only one electron so after you remove that electron you do not have any electrons left to remove so hydrogen doesn't have a 2nd ionization energy. hydrogen has 1 proton and 1 electron.

The outer electron levels of hydrogen?

Hydrogen has only 1 electron and has only 1 energy level.

What is the number for electrons on hydrogen's first energy level?

Hydrogen's electron configuration is 1s1. It has only one electron. It is located in the first energy level.

What is the highest energy photon that can be absorbed by a ground-state hydrogen atom without causing ionization?

yes , the electron in the ground state of the hydrogen atom will absorb a photon of energy 13.6ev but not greater than 13.6 ev . because 13.6 ev is the energy which excites the hydrogen atom

Is an electron radiation?

Electrons are negative energy. When an electron jumps orbitals, it can either absorb or radiate energy in the form of photons.

What is needed to excite electrons?

For example when the electron absorb energy.

What is removed when ionization energy is applied?

an electron

Why 1st ionization energy of Li is lower than that of Hydrogen?

1st ionization energy is the energy to remove one electron from a neutral atom. 2nd ionization energy is the energy to remove an electron from a positively charged ion. When this is done there is a stronger attraction for electrons in the ion than in the neutral atom because there is one less electron to 'interfere' with the electron being removed.

If enough energy was added to remove an electron for calcium which energy level would the electron be removed?

The 3s.

How do you find the energy of Hydrogen in electron volts?

We can find kinetic energy of hydrogen by using the formula,1/2mv2/1.60217646 into -19th power of 10in electron volts.

How much energy is needed to completely remove an electron from n2 in a hydrogen atom?

How much energy is required to move the electron of the hydrogen atom from the 1s to the 2s orbital