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Power station output varies widely as a function of what is being used as a power source. There are upper limits like the number of turbines that can take advantage of water behind a dam. Too many turbines will draw the water level down quickly and output will diminish. Nuclear reactors can be constructed that are "so big" and are designed with an upper limit on size. Only by adding more reactors can output be increased. Same with coal fired power plants. That's the upper limit as regards commercial power plants.

Lower limits on power stations will follow dictates of economy and availability of energy resources. Commercial power plants produce anything from a few kilowatts to several megawatts or several tens of megawatts. There are a number of variables, and they can be assessed with some thought. Use the link below to the Wikipedia article on power stations and check out those variables.

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Q: How much energy does a power station produce?
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