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You haven't given units for 9.90. nm, wavenumbers? metres, centimetres? E=hc/lambda, speed of light in metres, wavelength in metres

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Q: How much energy is associated with an infrared photon with a wavelength of 9.90?
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Which em spectrum has the longest to the shortest energy?

There is no such thing as "long energy" or "short energy". The electromagnetic spectrum is:Radio waves; microwaves; infrared; visible light; ultraviolet; x-rays; gamma rays. In this list, going from left to right: * The energy per photon increases. * The frequency increases. * The wavelength decreases. Thus, for instance, gamma rays have the LARGEST energy per photon; the LARGEST frequency; and the SHORTEST wavelength.

A typical wavelength of infrared radiation emitted by your body is 25 micrometers. What is the energy per photon of such radiation?

The energy per photon of infrared radiation can be calculated using the formula E = hc/λ, where h is the Planck's constant (6.626 x 10^-34 J·s), c is the speed of light (3 x 10^8 m/s), and λ is the wavelength in meters. Converting the wavelength to meters (25 micrometers = 25 x 10^-6 meters), we can plug the values into the formula to calculate the energy per photon. This results in E ≈ 7.95 x 10^-20 Joules per photon.

What photon has lower energy infared or visible light?


How do you calculate the energy in joules of a photon of green light having a wavelength of 529 nm?

The energy of this photon is 3,7351.10e-19 joules.

How much energy is associated with an infrared photon with a wavelength of 5.20?

The units are missing from your wavelength. Perhaps it is 5.20 micrometers. Red light is about 635 nm (0.635 micrometer). Infrared would have to be a longer wavelength than that. Energy = h*c/(wavelength), where h is Planck's constant (approx 6.63 x 10^-34 Joule second). So we have (6.63 x 10^-34 Joule sec)(3 x 10^8 m/s) / (5.2 x 10^-6 m) = 3.83 x 10^-20 Joules. Or 0.239 electron Volts.

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Compare the frequency and energy of infrared waves to the frequency energy of the visible light?

Visible light has a higher frequency, a higher energy per photon, and a smaller wavelength, compared to infrared.

What is the difference between ultraviolet and infrared lights?

Wavelength, frequency, and energy carried by each photon (light quantum).

What is the wavelength of a photon whose energy is twice that of a photon with a 580 nm wavelength?

Since the energy of a photon is inversely proportional to its wavelength, for a photon with double the energy of a 580 nm photon, its wavelength would be half that of the 580 nm photon. Therefore, the wavelength of the photon with twice the energy would be 290 nm.

What occurs as the wavelength of a photon increases?

As the wavelength of a photon increases, its frequency decreases. This means the energy of the photon decreases as well, since photon energy is inversely proportional to its wavelength.

What is the energy of a photon with a wavelength of 827nm what type of a radion is it?

The energy of a photon with a wavelength of 827nm can be calculated using the equation E = hc/λ, where h is Planck's constant, c is the speed of light, and λ is the wavelength. The type of radiation corresponds to near-infrared, which lies just beyond the visible spectrum.

A photon has an energy of 1.94 1013 J What is the photon's wavelength?

To find the wavelength of the photon, you can use the formula: wavelength = (Planck's constant) / (photon energy). Substituting the values, the wavelength is approximately 1.024 x 10^-7 meters.

Does photon of 420nm contain more energy than a photon of 790nm?

Yes, a photon with a wavelength of 420nm contains more energy than a photon with a wavelength of 790nm. This is because energy is inversely proportional to wavelength, meaning shorter wavelengths have higher energy.

How do you calculate photon wavelength with only the energy of the photons?

Photon Energy E=hf = hc/w thus wavelength w= hc/E or the wavelength is hc divided by the energy of the photon or w= .2 e-24 Joule meter/Photon Energy.

A photon of wavelength 3000 A is absorbed by a gas and remitted as two photons One of the photons is red 7600 A What is the wavelength of the other photon?

The total energy of a photon with a wavelength of 3000 A is divided into two photons, one red photon with a wavelength of 7600 A, and another photon with a shorter wavelength. To calculate the wavelength of the second photon, you can use the conservation of energy principle, where the sum of the energies of the two new photons is equal to the energy of the original photon. This will give you the wavelength of the other photon.

What is the wavelength of the photon that has been released in Part B?

The wavelength of a photon can be calculated using the equation: wavelength = Planck's constant / photon energy. Given the photon energy, you can plug in the values to find the corresponding wavelength.

What is the wavelength of a photon with an energy of 4.56 J?

The wavelength is 436 nm.

How are infrared and visible photons different from one another?

IR: longer wavelength, lower frequency, lower energy per photon.Visible: medium wavelength, medium frequency, medium energy per photon.UV: shorter wavelength, higher frequency, higher energy per photon.