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1800 to 2400 calories

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Q: How much energy is the minimum which an average sized person requires each day to be healthy?
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Why is the diet of a teenager different to a retired person in terms of the energy content of the food?

Teenager requires more amount of energy. A healthy balanced diet is required.

What is a minimum energy transfer orbit?

A minimum energy transfer orbit is a hohmann transfer orbit. A hohmann transfer orbit requires the smallest amount of delta V as the first burn is at periapsis (closes point to body being orbited) and the second burn is at apoapsis. For a planetary transfer the minimum energy launch windows occur at intervals of the target planets synodic period in relation to the departure planet.

Prosses that requires cellular energy?

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Witch process requires no energy from the cell?

Diffusion is a process that requires no energy (by an organism).

What step of the water cycle requires energy?

evaporation requires energy from the sun

Which is the most healthy energy drink?

EMV is the most healthy energy drink.

Which type of energy requires the movement of electrons?

Electric energy requires the movement of electrons.

What characterized an electrolytic cell?

it requires added energy

What is a energy job?

A job that requires energy to do

Difference between threshold energy and activation energy?

THRESHOLD ENERGY(T.E) You consider any particular reaction. the molecules of the reactants must necessarily possess certain minimum value of kinetic energy for the collision with other reactant and to from product . this minimum energy that the reactant molecules should possess is known as threshold energy (T.E) ACTIVATION ENERGY (A.E) Do you think all the molecules will possess this particular minimum kinetic energy required to form products? obviously not. if you take the graph of no of molecules vs their kinetic energy graph, you will see that only few molecules possess this minimum kinetic energy. so for other molecules also to participate in the reaction you need to provide certain extra energy to them by some means which is known as the activation energy. (A.E) Now the question arises ,how to calculate the activation energy. suppose in a reaction the average kinetic energy of the molecules of reactant be 10Joules , threshold energy is 50Joules. so what energy should be supplied for all the molecules to react. this is nothing but T.E - Average kinetic energy i.e.,50-10=40Joules. this is what is known as activation energy so ACTIVATION ENERGY (A.E) THRESHOLD ENERGY (T.E) AND AVERAGE KINETIC ENERGY (K.E) ARE RELATED AS A.E=T.E - K.E

Free energy is the minimum energy necessary for product to form?

False, the minimum reaction energy needed for a reaction to form or take place is called the activation energy.

Requires a gain or loss of heat energy?

A temperature change requires as gain or loss of heat energy.