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Q: How much energy is used to make a rare earth magnet?
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Related questions

How do you make a magnet by stroking?

by stroking a magnet the right way you will make the magnet very happy, this will cause it to magnetise better, much like stroking a cat or dog. a happy magnet is a strong magnet

Is the earth's core a giant magnet?

Earth's core is pretty much a dense, hot metallic sphere. It is hard because there has been so much pressure on it and heat. The outer core is indeed a magnet because scientists believe that it produces the earth's magnet field.

Can you convert lode energy into electrical energy?

I assume you mean magnetic energy. There is not much to convert there. A magnet doesn't store large amounts of energy. And especially, it is not an energy source - whatever energy you get out of it, you have to put in first.

How is magnetizing an object the opposite of demagnetizing a magnet?

Demagnetizing. Place the magnet at the opposite end of the metal from where you magnetized it. Again, the magnet must make as much contact with the metal as possible. Rub the metal with the magnet in the opposite direction that you used to magnetize it.

How much of the Sun's energy reaches the earth and why?

half a billionth

How much energy can the sun transmit earth by radiation?


What stores much of the energy in the Earth's water cycle?


How much energy does the sun transmite to earth radiation?


What happens if too much energy from the sun enters Earth's atmosphere?

The earth will become warmer.

How much of the suns energy is actually received here on earth?


How much of the suns energy reaches the earth's surface?

its about just 1%

How can you protect the earth the nature?

don't use so much energy