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Q: How much estrogen comes from each estrogen producing gland?
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What hormones produced by each gland are part of this feedback mechanism?

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What is the Female sex gland?

They are called ovaries, and just one is called an ovary. Ovaries are equivalent to the male's testicles. They produce estrogen and progesterone and contain immature egg cells. The egg cells ripen, and generally one is released each time the woman ovulates.

What gland is located on each side of the trachea?

Thyroid gland is located below larynx on trachea .

What gland initiates the growth and other physical changes of adolescence?

In the male, it is the testes. In the female, it is the ovaries. Each is stimulated by the pituitary gland in the brain. As puberty approaches, the pituitary secretes hormones, FSH and LH to stimulate the testoserone production in the testes or the estrogen production in the ovaries which bring on secondary sexual characteristics.

What is the endocrine gland at the top of each kidney?


What amount of estrogen is in the morning after pill?

Plan B contains no estrogen. Each one-tablet dose of Plan B contains 0.75 mg of levonorgestrel (a progestin).

What endocrine glands are located above each kidney?

The Adrenal gland. As a point of interest the gland is named for is position above the kidney. Ad=above renal=kidney. The supstance it produces is called adrenaline. So the gland is named for its position and the hormoned named after the gland, logical no? But some people (Americans) think the rest of the world should call the hormone epinephrine simply because that's what they have been calling it...

What systems does thyroid disease attack?

Thyroid disease affects the thyroid gland. This gland is in the neck, in the shape of a butterfly with lobes on each side. The thyroid gland excretes hormones.

What endocrine gland at the top of each kidney?

adrenal glands.

Where is your adrenal gland?

There are 2. One on top of each kidney.

What gland produces the egg cells and and hormones?

The hypothalamus in the brain releases Gonadotropin-Releasing Hormone to the pituitary gland, located in your brain behind the eyes. The pituitary gland releases Follicle-Stimulating Hormone (FSH) and Luteinizing Hormone (LH), which go to the ovaries. FSH stimulates the selection of an egg from the ovary, and a surge of LH release stimulates the release of the egg for fertilzation. In the ovary, Theca cells release Testosterone which travels to nearby Granulosa cells which convert the testosterone to estrogen. Theca cells also make progesterone, which is necessary for growing the endometrium, which is what bleeds during the menstrual cycle.