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yes, fever rise up to 103/104, it is a step ladder in character.

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Q: How much fever a typhoid patient have?
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Is hepatitis transmitted through kissing?

typhoid fever can't be transmitted through a kiss .. but if your immune system is weak then you are likely to gain typhoidal germs.

What is acute typhoid?

Acute typhoid is very uncommon. But then it is possible to have acute typhoid, when patient gets the loading dose of the bacteria. Usually the fever is paratyphoid fever in such cases.

Do a person bleeds when he is suffering from typhoid?

Typhoid fever patient can bleed with feces at times. This my require blood transfusion.

Can you eat fat when you have typhoid fever?

Yes. You can eat the fat in typhoid fever, as much allowed to you when you were healthy.

How is typhoid fever passed to others?

Typhoid fever is passed to others by fecal oral route. So the bacteria are in the feces of the patient and carriers of typhoid fever. The bacteria goes to your mouth by way of contaminated water, by way of hands and by way of houseflies to your food.

What is the meaning of typhoid?

Typhoid is similar to typhus fever. So it is probably called as typhoid fever. Typhoid has surpassed the typhus fever in prevalence to great extent.

What does typhoid fever do to your physical apperence?

The appearance of typhoid patient is typically called as 'toxic appearance'. He looks pale. At the end of week, when you diagnose the patient as typhoid fever, he is unable to go to the toilet without support by two friends. When all the friends are laughing at a joke, the patient will never laugh. He will not turn his neck to look at you but will turn the eyes only.

Can typhoid patient donate blood?

Just tried to donate blood today and got rejected because I had typhoid fever 20 years ago.

How wide spread is typhoid fever?

Typhoid fever is very much prevalent in developing countries, where sanitation is poor and personal hygiene is not good.

What are the similarities of a tapeworm and malaria?

In both the diseases, fever may start with slow onset. Patients suffering from both of them complain of headache. Patients suffering from both will have mild spenomegaly at some stage of fever. ( Usually at the end of week.) Both fevers have leucopenia in peripheral smear. Fever will never rise above 104 degree Fahrenheit in typhoid fever. And patient of typhoid fever will get 'toxic' in about 7 days of fever. At 104 degree Fahrenheit temperature he will need assistance of two persons to go to toilet as against patient of malarial fever. Patient of malarial fever can walk to longer distance without assistance. The experienced doctor can tell from the face of the patient that he is suffering from typhoid fever or not.

Does typhoid fever has reservoir?

Patient is carrier of typhoid fever for few weeks. Many asymptomatic cases of typhoid are also carriers of typhoid for few weeks. Occasionally the person becomes chronic carrier of typhoid bacteria. Such people are very dangerous, when they work in cooking profession and have poor personal hygiene. You should read the story of Typhoid Mary from USA.

Why typhoid fever have coated tongue?

It is said that the typhoid fever patient has got coated tongue. It was usual practice of old and gold physicians to observe the tongue of each and every patient. I could never get any such information and do not fallow the practice of observing the tongue of the patient. Some experienced physician needs to edit this answer.